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"The inaugural lecture by Australian artist Stelarc left a lasting impression on everyone who attended his appearance in Ljubljana. A year later (1996), Stelarc performed the specially conceived interactive performance Split Body: Voltage In Voltage Out, where the audience was invited to program the movements of his body and the Third Arm. This endurance performance showcased the challenges of human-machine interaction, confirming the theoretical concepts of the obsolete body, the body as a host, and the hollow body that Stelarc had previously developed.

The opportunity to witness live the coevolution of humans and machines demonstrated the incredible power of art to open and develop previously unseen epistemologies. Stelarc's work on human-machine coevolution and its potential developments influenced our interest in the phenomenology of machines, which were understood as natural extensions of the human body and mind."

Stelarc: Split Body: Voltage In, Voltage Out, 1996

Photo credits:Igor Andjelić