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Quimera Rosa


ES - AR - FR

Founded in 2008 in Barcelona by Kina and Ce Quimera Rosa [Pink Chimera] is a nomadic lab that researches and experiments on body, technoscience and identities. Our aim is to develop practices able to produce non-natural cyborg identities from a transdisciplinary perspective. We assume Donna Haraway’s notion of cyborg, that defines it as: “chimeras, theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism.” Our performances present hybrid beings, chimeras, where the production of the subjectivity is the result of a prosthetic incorporation. Aware by transfeminist and postidentitary discourses, we make bodies a platform for public intervention, breaking up limits between public and private. We understand identity as a technological and artistic creation and seek to experiment hybrid, flexible and changing identities able to blur frontiers between natural / artificial, normal / abnormal, male / female, hetero / homo, human / animal, animal / plant, art / politics, art / science, reality / fiction... Particularly interested in the articulation between art, science and technology and their functions in the production of subjectivities, our work is currently focused on the creation of transdisciplinary projects and performances, the elaboration of electronic devices that work with body practices, and bio-hacking experiments. We complement this artistic activity by giving numerous workshops, as well as a curatorial and production work based on the constitution and feeding of networks. ur work is currently focused on Trans*Plant project, that utilizes living systems and is based on self-experimentation: a process that involves a 'human > plant' transition in various formats. Most of our work is done in a collaborative manner and always free of patents and proprietary codes. It has been presented in streets, contemporary art centers, bars, galleries, universities, concert halls, colleges, discos, museums, squats, festivals and national scenes.