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CAPTION: A Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century, 1991/2016 pasteup version. VNS Matrix. Anticopyright.


VNS Matrix

A Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century

A Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century is the most enduring work of the slime cartel and cyberfeminist collective VNS Matrix. This was the compost from which all their subsequent works grew. It was in this 17 line gynecanonical text that the word "cyberfeminism" first appeared. The work was initially created as a poster, which was wheatpasted around various metropolitan cities in Australia and distributed via email, fax, bulletin boards, and made into a MOO object on LambdaMOO. The instructions for making wheatpaste are included in a 2019 version of the poster exhibited in the Net Art exhibition at Rhizome Gallery in New York, a gallery dedicated to the preservation of digital-born works of art (link). Since its emergence, the manifesto has been translated into at least 10 languages, including a recent Australian Sign Language interpretation, and has even been baked into a performance cake, audience members being invited to ingest the manifesto as sustenance to nurture the future cunt. In 1992 VNS Matrix gave image to the poetic, bodily text as a 6m x 3m billboard featuring the spherical bubble of the manifesto in the centre of a sigil-like composition, as if coming to rest, naturally, on the neck of a naked androgyne flanked by 2 very queer hybrid creatures. The manifesto is discovered anew daily, the power of the visceral text still "messy, howling, ... and ... very much alive." (Claire L.Evans, Motherboard)