noi siamo la fika futura
FIKAFUTURA (FutureCunt) was a cyberfeminist collective based in Milan in the 1990s.
DeadRed, Rosie Pianeta and WonderWoman translated, edited and published secrezioni acide cyberfeministe & queer
works from around the world in their epynonomous and glorious magazine
FIKAFUTURA. Into their cyberwitch cauldron they pour Sandy Stone, Kathy Acker, Pat Cadigan,
pornografia politica politicamente incorretta, punkcore titrations, and fumetti (cartoon strips) populated by early 3D renderings such as
Medusa's revenge against the white-singleted-and socked-mammoni in
Sbarbies adventures.
Working with ShaKe Edizioni Underground, they pulsed eclectic cyberculture currents into communities and networks gravitating around
the virtual (BBS, list-servs, code) and the material (squatted Italian social centres, hack meetings, autonomous raves).
Their translation of VNS Matrix's Cyberfeminist Manifesto into Italian carried our slime through the Euro portal for which we will always be abjectly grateful.
sabotatrici del big daddy mainframe