Nancy Mauro-Flude
Dr. Nancy Mauro-Flude is an artist, digital caretaker, and diviner of
the occult computing arts. Her wayward projects infiltrate overheated
server farms with restorative blends of wireless Linux, permacomputing,
and curative mayhem, manifesting in codesigned web servers. She nurtures
cooperative brews of collective writing that invoke IRC channels and
fork streams at the frontiers of maker culture, operating under various
aliases to seed critical post-patriarchal communities.
One example is the collaborative work, Feminist Server Stack, a beacon
for the proliferation of feminist federated server communities and
practices that "experiment with systemic change to co-design altered
relationships to the Internet," circumventing top-down, authoritarian
methods of assigning value and organising knowledge grounded in
home-brewed methods for collective gain.
For VNS Matrix, this sister0 will always be unbounded and unleashed, hexecuting codes yet to be written.
We live our lives and make meaning through building visceral networks
of solidarity with intermediaries: minerals, lifeforms, humans, and
non-humans alike.