Title: UKI Viral performance - live code live spam
Autors: Shu Lea Cheang & Co.
Photo: Joan Tomas
UKI is conceived as a sequel to my cyberpunk feature I.K.U. I.K.U. tells the story of GENOM Corp, an internet porn
enterprise who dispatches I.K.U. coders to collect orgasm data. Made into mobilephone chip, GENOM introduces
orgasm on the go and makes a huge profit. In post-netcrash UKI, the data deprived I.K.U. coders are dumped on
the Etrashscape where coders, twitters, networkers crush and crashed. Exchanging sex for code, code sexing
UKI performance video is collaboration with 18 Barcelona based queer/postporn performers, each creates and
performs her/them/his personna, utilizing etrash junk as costume and set. Trash Mistress [Radíe Manssour], UKI
Mosca [Idoia], UKI Karo [Carolina], Agent Pony Boy [Patri], Coder XQ [Quimera Yan], Coder madlilit [klau], UKI
FANtasia [Maria Mitsopoulou], Coder Lubna [Diana Pornoterrorista], RUNNER Axia [Ce Quimera], UKI Tripcall
[Melina Peña], Mutant Esteno & Lil [Majo & Elena], Baby Queen [Marianissima], UKI Marimacho [Florian Tokioss],
UKI Krew [Agnese], Coder xYx [Laika], UKI Octo-Pussy [Helen Lafloresta], Virus St.Maria [Maria Llopis]