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2019 - ongoing

Title: Cuerpx Antenx

Autors: Tatiana Avendaño

Through the research project "Cuerpx Antenx", a speculative exercise through which Tatiana Avendaño develops protocols, practices and thoughts that enhance the electromagnetic field of the human body to expand its ability to send and receive signals. She is interested in contributing to reducing the "sensitive gap" (our separation from the systems of life) and transforming the way we relate to ourselves, to each other, and to all beings with whom we share this planet. This work is tribute to the weavers of the Apollo computer; like them, Tatiana is interested in creating protocols, in this case aimed at re-establishing our connection to the more than human communication networks that sustain life. Part of her work is to highlight forms of thought and knowledge that have been hidden, persecuted, or less valued, in order to amplify the stories and realities lived by women who have been silenced in the history of technology, science, and the production of thought.