Title: Choreographies of the impossible
Autors: Colectivo Ayllu
Photo: Levi Fanan / Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
In this artwork Ayllu collective proposes a collaborative investigation around love. Beyond the political,
anthropocentric, and individualizing debates about love, they weave a portal of escape from everyday life, saturated
by the capitalistic codification of relationships and the brutality of civilizing choreopolitics. If the colonial wound that
permeates and constitutes current geopolitical systems is widened and deepened through interpersonal
relationships, turning intimacy into more of an access to violence than a tool for community strengthening, it is
collective practice that makes the exercise of a non-conciliatory love possible. Thus, artists and collaborators evoke
modes of existence that precede the subjectified (and racialized, and gendered) body, aiming at the resumption of a
sensibility that does not distinguish body and surroundings, a way of being and feeling that is, at the same time,
before and after the invention/theft of the body by colonial technologies.
Colectivo Ayllu is a collaborative research and artistic-political action group formed by migrants, racialized
individuals, queer and/or sexual-gender dissidents from former Spanish colonies. They propose a critique of white
supremacy and European colonial heteronormative ideology. The collective is composed of Alex Aguirre Sánchez
(Quito, Ecuador), Leticia/Kimy Rojas (Guayaquil, Ecuador), Francisco Godoy Vega (Santiago, Chile), Lucrecia
Masson (Ombucta, Argentina) e Yos Piña Narváez (Caracas, Venezuela).